Job board launch


We are excited about the launch the first-of-its-kind procurement and supply chain job board. While we are starting as a job board and career hub for companies and candidates to assemble, our vision is much broader. 

As devotees to the worlds of procurement, supply chain, and talent management, we are aiming to create an online and exclusive community. A place where professionals can facilitate and engage on all things related to jobs, career advice, and communicating with fellow like-minded practitioners. We know procurement and supply chain pros are a passionate bunch who are comfortable with networking and collaborating. Well, is the place for them.

Companies seeking top talent will know that this is the place to seek out the best. Sure, there are plenty of other tools they can use, but none that boasts the talent pool and expertise they will find at As we continue to evolve and grow, we will adopt an open-source approach to enhancing our offerings and improving our services to both companies and professionals. We have no qualms about being in a constant state of WIP because we believe that there is no finish line in this journey. Just more successes to be had as our job board becomes the ultimate conduit for companies and their next great hires.

You may be wondering why we need a niche job board when there are already several general job boards out there. We’re glad you asked. The current providers in the market today (e.g., LinkedIn, Indeed, CraigsList) are horizontal marketplaces, which is a fancy way of saying they are catch-all, generalist sites that cater to anyone and everyone. We are creating a better way to hire, and we believe that one of our most significant value adds is our specialization.

In a post-pandemic hiring environment, it’s all the more important to have a platform that can provide speed, quality, and scale to what will be a tremendous amount of workplace building. Beyond just internal talent acquisition or recruiting agencies or horizontal marketplaces, we will need niche platforms like to serve this onslaught of hiring to come in the next few years. 

Even in good times with an average annual turnover rate of 10%-20%, it is less than ideal to find the right candidate quickly. Imagine what it will be like to hire several times that number. And unlike in the past, there will more great candidates than the number of opportunities available. As layoffs and retrenchment have hit all sectors, our goal is to provide that forum where candidates can build their network and get in front of as many companies as possible.

Your participation and your feedback will be essential, so please stay in touch. Let us know what works and where we can improve. 

Thank you for joining us!


Overwhelmed by your job search? Let's break it down into 7 simple steps.